
Momoko supports Python 2 and 3 and PyPy with psycopg2cffi. And the only dependencies are Tornado and Psycopg2 (or psycopg2cffi). Installation is easy using easy_install or pip:

pip install momoko

The lastest source code can always be cloned from the Github repository with:

git clone git://
cd momoko
python install

Psycopg2 is used by default when installing Momoko, but psycopg2cffi can also be used by setting the MOMOKO_PSYCOPG2_IMPL environment variable to psycopg2cffi before running For example:

# 'psycopg2' or 'psycopg2cffi'
export MOMOKO_PSYCOPG2_IMPL='psycopg2cffi'

The unit tests all use this variable. It needs to be set if something else is used instead of Psycopg2 when running the unit tests. Besides MOMOKO_PSYCOPG2_IMPL there are also other variables that need to be set for the unit tests.

Here’s an example for the environment variables:

export MOMOKO_TEST_DB='your_db'  # Default: momoko_test
export MOMOKO_TEST_USER='your_user'  # Default: postgres
export MOMOKO_TEST_PASSWORD='your_password'  # Empty de default
export MOMOKO_TEST_HOST='localhost'  # Empty de default
export MOMOKO_TEST_PORT='5432'  # Default: 5432

# Set to '0' if hstore extension isn't enabled
export MOMOKO_TEST_HSTORE='1'  # Default: 0

Momoko tests use tcproxy for simulating Postgres server unavailablity. The copy of tcproxy is bundled with Momoko, but you need to build it first:

make -C tcproxy

Finally, running the tests is easy:

python test